Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Useful handy Home Security guide - Protecting your property

According to Neighbourhood Watch, properties with the WIDE security combination ‑ Window locks, Indoor lights on a timer, Door double or deadlocks and External lights on a timer or sensor - are nearly 50 times more protected from burglary than those with no security. 

Useful checklist of things to think about. (pdf)

What would a burglar see if they looked at your home? Take some time to walk round your home and use this checklist to think about how secure the doors and windows are, and identify any other potential issues. Any box you tick could be a security risk. If you need help with this, ask your family or friends – or see our suggestions at the end of this chapter.

We all want to feel that our home is secure. Although burglary isn't very common, it's only sensible to take precautions. Just a few simple security measures can reduce your risk of crime and give you peace of mind.

This guide (pdf) looks at simple and effective ways to improve your home security. It outlines:

  • how to check for security risks
  • where you can get help
  • ways to protect your property
  • advice if you're going away
  • what to do if you've been burgled.
The charity Independent Age provides a Home Security guide in both audio and PDF format with guidance for older people on simple and effective measures they can implement to protect their homes from intruders.

How scammers can clone your voice

A deepfake phone call is where the caller's voice has been created with or manipulated using artificial intelligence (AI). This is somet...