Crime and Safety in Bexley

Bexley Crime Overview

Bexley is among the top 5 safest Boroughs in London, and is among the top 5 safest overall out of London's 33 towns, villages, and cities. The overall crime rate in Bexley in 2020 was 63 crimes per 1,000 people. This compares favourably to London's overall crime rate, coming in 39% lower than the London rate of 87 per 1,000 residents. For England and Wales as a whole, Bexley is among the top 10 safest Boroughs, and the 1,732nd most dangerous location out of all towns, cities, and villages.

The most common crimes in Bexley are violence and sexual offences, with 5,651 offences during 2020, giving a crime rate of 23. This is 2.8% higher than 2019's figure of 5,495 offences and a difference of 0.63 from 2019's crime rate of 22. Bexley's least common crime is bicycle theft, with 91 offences recorded in 2020, a decrease of 47% from 2019's figure of 134 crimes.

To view the following:

  • Bexley Crime Map
  • Summary of Crimes in Bexley This Year
  • Crime in Bexley Compared To London
  • Bexley Compared to Nearby Cities
  • Bexley Crime Trends
  • Changes In Bexley's Crime Rates Over Time
  • Comparing Bexley to the UK's Major Cities
  • Crime in Bexley's Neighbourhoods
  • Bexley Neighbourhood Crime Breakdown
  • Crime in Bexley During Coronavirus Lockdowns


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Bexley Crime map

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A round-up of crimes committed in SE London in June 2021

Source: Newshopper (06/08/2021)

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