Residents are being asked to be extra careful when using cash points.
Recently, an 86 year old man was using the ATM at Morrisons Supermarket in Welling when a man and woman started talking to him. They distracted him and managed to grab £250 and the bank card, before running off.
The elderly man had his 82 year old wife in a wheelchair close by. The bank card was quickly used fraudulently in Tesco opposite, and Asda in Swanley. In total, the couple stole £850 from the pensioners.
Citizens Advice have produced a useful leaflet (PDF) on What is distraction burglary?.
The Crime Prevention website also give advice on Bogus Callers (Distraction burglary) that you may find useful.
Fighting Doorstep Crime leaflet (PDF) on Distraction Burglary gives useful tips and advice in preventing this crime.
Call the police 999 if you feel at risk or are concerned for a neighbour.
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