A local resident received the following scam and fake email (see screenshot below):-
When tested in a safe browser, the 'Sign in now' button takes the recipient to the following fake URL:-
With the contents below 'CLICK HERE TO VERIFY" in the screenshot below:-
When tested in a safe browser, the link plus clicking it takes you to a fake and deceptive site as shown in the screenshots below:-
The tell-tale signs are evident and links are deceptive and hence unsafe. The recipient alerted Bexley Neighbourhood Watch.
This is doing its rounds as evident in one external site here.
Do not click on links or attachments in unexpected or suspicious texts or emails.
Reporting cyber crime, fraud or phishing attempt to Action Fraud.
Report suspicious emails: If you have received an email which you’re not quite sure about, you can report it to the Suspicious Email Reporting Service by forwarding the email to - report@phishing.gov.uk.