Monday, 3 April 2023

Stay Safe from Scammers: Don't Fall for Phishing Emails About Suspended Packages

Beware of phishing emails claiming to be from delivery services or postal carriers about a suspended package. Scammers use this tactic to trick you into clicking on a fraudulent link, which may result in downloading malware, stealing personal information, or redirecting you to a fake website.

Remember to check the sender's email address, hover over links to check their legitimacy, and avoid providing any personal information unless you are certain of the recipient's identity. Stay safe by reporting suspicious emails to the relevant authorities and sharing this warning with your friends and family.

Alert: Phishing Email Scam Targeting UK Residents with Fake Perfume Prize

phishing email scam We're issuing an urgent alert about a phishing email scam currently circulating in the UK. This scam uses a decep...