Monday, 30 January 2023

Crime Statistics for England and Wales report launched 26 January 2023

The latest Crime Statistics for England and Wales by the ONS were released 26 January 2023. The survey shows crime to have decreased since the year leading up to the pandemic. You can find the results here.

“The decrease in ONS recorded figures is a good sign; however, we must remain cautious as we know many crimes, particularly those classified as antisocial behaviour or harassment, are not reported. It is clear the police are stretched to their limit. So we would like to see an increase in officers and PCSOs dedicated to neighbourhood policing to increase visible police presence in communities. This is proven to reduce antisocial behaviour, encourage reporting and help to restore trust and confidence in the police. But we can all take steps to reduce crime and do what we can to keep ourselves, our neighbours, family and friends safe. From raising awareness on simple prevention measures to safely intervening or reporting when we witness a crime.” John Hayward-Cripps, CEO of Neighbourhood Watch Network.

Also the Crime in England and Wales: year ending September 2022 report released 26 January 2023 as a pdf here.

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