Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Alert: attempted break-in on Howbury Park, Snipe Close, DA8 2HD

On Sunday, April 30th, 2023 at 3:33 AM, a male suspect jumped out of a black car and attempted to break into a home on Howbury Park, Snipe Close, DA8 2HD. The suspect tried the door handle, but quickly turned and ran back to the car, which sped away. The police have been notified.

Residents are urged to be vigilant and to lock their doors at all times. If you see anything suspicious, please report it to the police immediately.

Here are some tips to help keep your home safe from break-ins:

  • Lock all doors and windows, even when you are home.
  • Install deadbolt locks on all exterior doors.
  • Consider installing security cameras around your home.
  • Trim bushes and trees so that they do not provide hiding places for criminals.
  • Get to know your neighbours and watch out for each other's homes.
  • Report any suspicious activity to the police immediately.

By following these tips, you can help to keep your home safe from break-ins.

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