Friday, 4 December 2020

Shop Local, Shop Safe Survey: For Residents of London Borough of Bexley

Residents are invited to complete an online survey about visiting local high streets for shopping and entertainment and how their shopping habits have changed as a result of Covid-19.

The survey is part of the London Borough of Bexley’s ‘Shop Safe, Shop Local’ safe return campaign, designed to help kick-start the local economy, get people back to work and customers back to the shops safely in line with government guidance.

Anyone who completes the survey will be entered into a prize draw to win a hamper full of New Year treats worth £200 selected from local shops and services.

Council representatives will also be in town centres from 9 December inviting shoppers to participate in the survey in a Covid secure manner. The survey will end on 31 December.

Visit Fill in our Shop Safe survey and win a New Year hamper.

Shop Local, Shop Safe Survey: For Residents of London Borough of Bexley

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