Saturday, 19 December 2020

Bexley is now in ‘Tier 3 Very High Alert level’

As I’m sure you will all know Bexley – along with the rest of London – was placed in Tier 3 this week.
As the number of cases in Bexley continues to rise we are asking all Bexley residents to consider their Christmas plans and to think about changes they could make to ensure their family has the safest possible Christmas. We need your help as our Champions to spread this message – we need our residents to plan carefully, because the best gift we can give is to keep each other safe.
From tomorrow (19 December) we will be delivering our COVID-19 support leaflet to every home in the borough. The leaflet will provide you with useful contacts and support over the festive period.
We are all looking forward to a time when the vaccine protects us all from the virus. Our vaccination site at Bursted Woods opened this week and 975 Bexley residents have already received a COVID vaccine. I’m sure you will agree that this is an important moment for the borough, and a great message to share, but it remains vital we all continue do our bit to protect our family and friends.
Stay safe and have a great weekend.

Tier 3 restrictions – Do you know the rules?
Bexley – along with the rest of London – was placed in Tier 3 this week. This means the risk of catching the coronavirus in Bexley is very high.
Urgent action is now needed to help reduce the number of coronavirus cases.
Please take note of what you can and cannot do in Tier 3 and key public health messages and share them on any social media that you use, including services like Mumsnet, NextDoor and local online or Whatsapp groups of which you are a member.
If you have a neighbour who is not online please share these messages with them.

Alert: Phishing Email Scam Targeting UK Residents with Fake Perfume Prize

phishing email scam We're issuing an urgent alert about a phishing email scam currently circulating in the UK. This scam uses a decep...