Thursday, 3 December 2020

Bogus Council workers and 'Distraction Burglary' advice

Trading Standards received a report that yesterday 2 men turn up at an address in Penpool Lane DA16 2AE (the resident was an 87-year-old female).  They wore trainers, jeans, sweatshirts and peaked caps and claimed to be from the trees department at Bexley Council. They drove a plain white van, wore no high vis jackets and they didn't show any ID.

They were said they needed to cut the conifer trees down at the back of the property that led onto John Newton Court. Then wanted to charge the elderly resident for the waste clearance. They were very forceful when knocking and wanting to come down the side of the house. When met with a 'No' they then tried persistently to go through the house, but they were refused further access.

Citizens Advice have produced a useful leaflet (PDF) on What is distraction burglary?.

The Crime Prevention website also give advice on Bogus Callers (Distraction burglary) that you may find useful.

Fighting Doorstep Crime leaflet (PDF) on Distraction Burglary gives useful tips and advice in preventing this crime.

Call the police 999 if you feel at risk or are concerned for a neighbour.

Urgent Alert: Attempted Burglaries in Albany Park - Eynsford Crescent Area

Residents of Albany Park, particularly those in and around Eynsford Crescent, are urged to be extra vigilant following two attempted burglar...