Sunday, 22 November 2020

Warning over M&S giveaway scam that steals your bank details

DON’T BE FOOLED:Currently, there are also scam emails circulating, purporting to come from Mark’s and Spencer’s, claiming that their boss Steve Rowe, had launched a prize draw to give customers a £35 gift card to celebrate M & S’s 135th Birthday.  You are told to click on a link then enter your details including your bank information.  Do not do this unless you want to fill the pockets of criminals!

We are living in difficult times, and Covid 19 appears to have brought out the worst from the members of the criminal fraternity, exploiting people when they are most a risk.   In my mind, people who prey on other people for person gain, are the low life members of our society and the sooner they are arrested the better.

This has been circulating in the news at here, here and here.

Needless to say please be aware of such phishing scams or report to 

Do not click on links or attachments in unexpected or suspicious texts or emails.

You can also report the scam to Action Fraud, the national fraud reporting centre.

Alert: Phishing Email Scam Targeting UK Residents with Fake Perfume Prize

phishing email scam We're issuing an urgent alert about a phishing email scam currently circulating in the UK. This scam uses a decep...