Friday, 6 November 2020

Fake PayPal emails alert - (online shopping fraud)

Please find the attached alert from Action Fraud regarding a prevalent “PayPal” phishing email scam.

Contents summarised as follows; 

“There have been 21,349 Action Fraud reports featuring fake PayPal phishing emails recorded between January to September 2020, with a total reported loss of £7,891,077.

Online marketplace sellers have received a fake email that appears to be from PayPal, stating that the fraudster has made a payment for an item. 

A follow up email requests the shipping tracking order reference, prompting the seller to dispatch the item. 

The fraudster relies on the seller not verifying that the payment has been received in their PayPal account, before shipping the item leaving the seller at a loss.”

For more detailed information visit Action Fraud.

Alert: Phishing Email Scam Targeting UK Residents with Fake Perfume Prize

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