Monday, 30 November 2020

DPD phishing fraud scam alert

The following has been reported by a number people in West Heath, Bexley.

“DPD Phishing E mails. Hi we received a e mail this afternoon purportedly sent by DPD Parcels.

The e mail claimed that they had tried to deliver a parcel to us today and they were unable to deliver it.

The e mail quoted a parcel reference number and asked that we log into their website and re arrange a delivery date for which there was a charge and also a charge for a shipping fee.

This was all totally fictitious and a Phishing scam.

The e mail bore the DPD logo and looked authentic but was in fact a phishing e mail

The senders e mail address originated in Belgium ie  be.”

DPD are aware of this scam and that these messages do not come from DPD and if you have been a victim or paid money please contact Action Fraud or call them on 0300 123 2040.

For more information visit DPD (UK) or DPD Local regarding this parcel delivery phishing scam.

A handy leaflet on Cyber Crime and Staying Safe Online has very useful information and tips on how to avoid cyber crime and stay safe.

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