Thursday, 15 October 2020

Bexley’s Ageing Well 2020 event goes online

This year’s Ageing Well event is going online.

From 17 October (The webpage will go live at 7am on Saturday 17 October (a coming soon page is currently displayed against this link) a one stop online Ageing Well event area will be available at

The online event brings together information on support and services on offer in Bexley for older people and their families.

It also contains lots of useful contact details for local groups and clubs as well as information to help you keep fit and healthy.

Organisations taking part in the online event include Bexley Carers’ Support, Age UK, Mind in Bexley, Bexley Mencap, University of the Third Age, Healthwatch, Crossroads Care, Bexley Civic Society, Library and Archives Team, the Alzheimer’s Society and many more.

Cabinet Member for Adult Services, Cllr Brad Smith said:

“This is the fourth year for this event which goes from strength to strength. For obvious reasons we’ve had to do things differently. It’s still a great chance for Bexley residents to make connections with local providers.’

‘We have so much to offer our older residents and their families here in Bexley and having information on so many local groups in one place means it’s a simple way for people to join a club, find out how to learn a new skill as well as obtaining vital information on support available in the Borough”.

If you’re not online ask your family, friends or neighbours to help you access the Ageing Well event information. The winter Bexley magazine will also feature the event so look out for your copy in December.

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