Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Keeping Your Shed or Garage Safe and Secure: Don't Be an Easy Target

Many people underestimate the importance of shed and garage security. Unlike our homes, these outbuildings often get secured with minimal effort, making them prime targets for opportunistic thieves. But what they might not realize is that a break-in at your shed can be a stepping stone to a bigger crime – giving them the tools they need to break into your house!

The First Steps to Shed and Outbuilding Security:

  • Insurance Check: Before you invest in security measures, make sure your insurance covers the contents of your shed or outbuilding in case of theft.
  • Think Like a Thief: Walk around your shed and see how easy it would be to break in. Are the hinges flimsy? Is the lock easily defeated? Windows a weak point? Address these vulnerabilities first. Invest in a strong padlock with no exposed screws, and consider reinforcing the door hinges. Secure any windows with wire mesh or security grills.

Deterring Theft with Alarms and Smart Practices:

  • Silent Guardian, Alarming Friend: A discreet, battery-operated shed alarm can be a great deterrent. Activated by movement or door contact, these alarms pack a punch with loud sirens, scaring off would-be thieves.
  • Lock it Up, Hide it Away, Mark it Down: Make it difficult for thieves to steal by securing your belongings. Lock tools away in a strong chest or box, or chain them to a secure anchor. Bicycles should be chained to the ground or a secure stand within the locked shed. Check out Sold Secure (https://www.soldsecure.com/approved-product-search) for top-rated ground anchors and other locking solutions.
  • Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Draping an old sheet or blanket over your bike or lawnmower can deter theft by keeping them hidden from view.
  • Simple Security Habits: This might seem obvious, but always keep your shed or garage door locked when not in use, and keep the door closed even when you are around.

Taking Extra Precautions: Property Marking and Registration:

  • Mark Your Territory: Property marking discourages theft and increases your chances of recovering stolen items. Paint your name or postcode on valuable tools, or consider using a forensic marking solution.
  • Register Your Valuables: Immobilise (https://www.immobilise.com/help/reportingitemslostorstolen) allows you to register items with serial numbers, making them easier to track down if stolen.

Seeking Professional Help:

A professional locksmith from the Master Locksmiths Association (https://www.locksmiths.co.uk/) can provide invaluable advice on the most effective security measures for your shed and garage door. They can even handle installation for you. Many locksmiths offer comprehensive home security surveys, helping you identify weak points throughout your property.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of theft from your shed or garage. Remember, a little effort goes a long way in protecting your valuable belongings and keeping your home safe.

The top five most common items stolen from sheds:

  1. Bikes
  2. Mowers
  3. Sports equipment
  4. Power tools
  5. Garden tools

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