Wednesday 3 April 2024

"Beware of "Is this you?" Scam on Social Media"

Yes, "Is this you in this video/photo?" is a common social media scam. Here's how it works and how to avoid it:

The Scam:

  • You receive a message, often from a friend (whose account may be hacked), with text like "Is this you in this video?" or "This looks like you!"
  • The message will likely include a link.
  • Clicking the link takes you to a fake login page designed to steal your social media password. Once they have it, they can scam your friends or spread malware.

How to Avoid It:

  • Don't click the link!
  • If you're curious about the video/photo, reach out to your friend directly through another method (call, text message) and ask if they sent it. It's likely their account was hacked.
  • Be suspicious of any messages asking you to click on a link, especially if they come from unexpected contacts.

Here are some additional tips for staying safe on social media:

  • Be careful about who you friend/follow. Only connect with people you know and trust.
  • Beware of messages that seem too good to be true. If someone is offering you something amazing, it's probably a scam.
  • Never share your social media password with anyone.
  • Use strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts. Consider a password manager to help you keep track.

By following these tips, you can help protect yourself from social media scams.

If you think you may have clicked on a malicious link, report it to the social media platform and change your password immediately. Use 2FA as per

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