Sunday, 27 February 2022

Dismantling a scam and why you need two-step authentication enabled

An extremely useful video which shows how scammers send fake Paypal invoices and try to convince their (usually elderly) victims to login to their online bank whilst they have remote access. And it usually ends badly for the victim.

Enable two-factor authentication (2FA)

Beware of A New Phone Scam Bypasses Two-Factor Security Codes

Watch the useful videos:-

Use 2-Step Verification without your phone

The Practical Guide To Mac Security: Part 4, Two-Factor Authentication

In the event your account has been compromised by a scammer, immediately contact your bank and change your password using a suitable strong password. One way is to use a password manager.

Check if your password has been pwned at

Use a FREE secure password manager to generate secure passwords to use online such as one available at

Be more Cyber Aware and Learn more about Cyber Security at

10 things every smartphone owner should do

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