Friday, 16 July 2021

Walk-in vaccination clinics in South East London

In addition to all regular walk-in services – including those at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ hospitals, Montgomery Hall in Lambeth and the Bromley Civic Centre – this weekend we have mass vaccination services at


  • The Tate Modern on Friday 16th – 5pm to 9pm, Moderna clinics at St Thomas’,
  • The Kia Oval on Saturday 17th -  8am to 8pm  (walk-in and bookings are available for first and second 
  • doses (eight weeks after the first)
  • Greenwich Park on Sunday 12-7pm (walk-in and bookings are available for first and second doses (eight weeks after the first)

For further information on these and all south-east London walk-in and pop up vaccination clinics visit:  


Whatever your reason, if you’re over 18, don’t miss your vaccine  


In addition to our VaccineFacts resource, outdoor advertising, and street promotional team, NHS partners and local authorities in south east London are running a campaign to engage younger adults to get the COVID-19 vaccine.  #DontMissYourVaccine reminds people of the personal benefits to them when vaccinated against COVID-19 and signposts them to simple ways to access a vaccine.  Please use this toolkit to share the messages widely. It contains messaging and content for a variety of channels along with a link to the campaign advert: Over 18? Protect yourself and your community


Questions about the COVID-19 vaccine?

For those with questions about the COVID-19 vaccine follow @our_healthier_sel on Instagram and join Dr Debisi Olunloyo next Weds (21 July) at 6pm for an InstaLive Q&A to get your questions answered. #DontMissYourVaccine 



Guide to conversations about the vaccine 

Don’t forget our useful guide to help with difficult conversations about the COVID-19 vaccine. The guide contains some tops tips on how to prepare and plan conversations, listen, be supportive and understanding as well as links to further useful information about the vaccine. 


Have a great weekend and stay safe as we prepare for lockdown easing.

COVID-19 vaccination walk-in and pop-up clinics

If you are eligible for a COVID vaccination, you can get your COVID vaccination from a number of walk-in and pop-up clinics.

Please use the information below to find out more about a vaccination clinic near to you. This list will be updated regularly as more services are made available. Please check back to find a suitable clinic near to you. You can also access our PDF copy of existing pop-up clinics.

Alternatively, you can contact your GP practice or use the NHS National Booking Service.

Source: Oxleas NHS FT and

Alert: Phishing Email Scam Targeting UK Residents with Fake Perfume Prize

phishing email scam We're issuing an urgent alert about a phishing email scam currently circulating in the UK. This scam uses a decep...