Thursday, 8 July 2021

Are you an 18-25 year old wanting to engage the Police around Counter Terrorism matters?

What is the CT YAG?

The CT YAG is an engagement forum, created with the intention of helping to protect the public from terrorism by generating a two-way exchange of information with young people, and by increasing public confidence through more effective policing.

The CT YAG works alongside CT Policing to the following objectives:

  • Engage with young people so as to understand and reflect their views;

  • Provide insight on what young people think about extremism and terrorism;

  • Help shape our approach and test our work;

  • Identify risks and issues facing young people to address them with a unified approach;

  • Promote the UK’s counter terrorism strategy.

The group is currently made up of individuals from a variety of backgrounds, including:

  • Victims of terror attacks;

  • Those with personal experience of extremism and its impacts;

  • Individuals with a passion for directing others away from terrorism;

  • Persons with specific knowledge or qualifications focused on the subject matter;

  • Charity and community youth workers.

How do I qualify to join the CT YAG?

We are currently seeking new members who may fit the following criteria:

  • Aged 18-25 years old; **

  • Have an active interest in helping to prevent the growth of terrorism;

  • Able to attend quarterly meetings;

  • Willing to share their activities and achievements so as to share learning to the wider group;

  • Engage with a number of organisations at both a local and national level to support the work of Prevent and Counter Terrorism Policing.

This is a really exciting opportunity for any young person who has been impacted by acts of Terrorism, has been personally affected by it in some way or simply has a passion for the subject and wants to make a difference.  There is the opportunity to network with other young people from across the UK and develop community projects, as well as being supported with any activities that you are involved in.  

** This is flexible and can be assessed on a case by case basis.  There are individuals who may fall outside of this age band (older or younger) but who would be useful to the development of the group.

How do I join the group?

New members should first make contact with the below email address and register their interest in the group.  You will then be asked to complete a simple Expression of Interest form which will ask you for some personal details as well as a bit more information on your experiences and why you want to be part of the group.  You will also be asked to provide a referee who has known you for no less than a two year period.

Each applicant will be asked to give permission for a limited number of background checks to be undertaken, such as PNC (Police National Computer) and social media.  This is simply to maintain the integrity of the group and its members.  Your data privacy will be respected at all times, in line with GDPR.

A member of the team will then contact you for a discussion; to find out more about you, what you can offer the group and how we can support you moving forward.

We very much look forward to hearing from you.

Please email:

Useful reading links:

Counter Terrorism Policing (CTP) is a collaboration of UK police forces that works in partnership to help protect the public and our national security by preventing, deterring and investigating terrorist activity. Further information about CTP is available on our website:

The United Kingdom’s strategy for counter terrorism, known as ‘CONTEST’, was last revised in 2018 and is available to here:

Our ‘ACT Early’ campaign provides help and advice to those who might be at risk of radicalisation. Further information about ACT Early is available on our website:


‘Let's Talk About It’ is an initiative designed to provide practical help and guidance to the public in order to prevent terrorism:

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