Monday, 31 July 2023

Vehicle Crime be on your guard from BBNWA

Thieves are targeting unlocked cars, especially these models

Many residents are making it easy for thieves by not locking their vehicles and leaving items of value in cars on show.

We also regularly hear of the inconvenience it causes and the items that were in the car at the time such as push chairs, kid’s games consoles, sports equipment etc.

Stolen cars are regularly used to commit other offences and can regularly end up in police pursuits putting lives at risk.

Studies show that over 40% of our daily tasks or actions are not conscious choices but habits and that we are able to turn routines into habits. Thieves know if certain models of car are unlocked as the wing mirrors remain out so you may as well leave a sign on the car – UNLOCKED !

We ask all vehicle owners over this summer period and beyond, please, let’s get the most basic crime prevention action into a habit and lock our vehicles, even get into the habit of double checking before we go to bed.

Unfortunately the following cars are still being stolen to order and targeted in high numbers across London and the counties. A new device on the market makes many of these Korean and Japanese SUV’s / PHEV’s extremely vulnerable and even the use of a faraday pouch / box will not prevent them from getting stolen. If you or any of your family and friends own one of these vehicles we would strongly recommend fitting a secondary physical security device such as a steering lock / pedal lock / OBD port lock or wheel clamp that is Sold secure / Secured by design (SBD) approved.

Newly Targeted

  • Nissan Qashqai and Nissan Navara
  • Kia Sportage and Kia Niro
  • Hyundai Ionic and Hyundai Tucson
  • Mitsubishi Outlander.

Current top two stolen cars

  • Range Rover
  • Ford Fiesta’s

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