Thursday, 7 October 2021

Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Consultation


The London Borough of Bexley is asking local residents and businesses for their views on the introduction of a borough-wide Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) PSPOs are used to provide the Police, Community Officers and delegated Council Enforcement Officers with the ability and powers to control activities that cause persistent anti-social behaviour that is either having or is likely to have, a harmful effect on a local community’s quality of life. It is hoped that a borough-wide PSPO could help to reduce the public health and environmental impact of the misuse of nitrous oxide canisters as well as the impact of street drinking. While nitrous oxide canisters do cause unsightly litter, the health effects are far more serious. Inhaling nitrous oxide gas can include headaches, nausea, dizziness, unconsciousness, collapse and consequent injury. Taking it can lead to a range of health problems such as burns, a dangerously increased heart rate, swelling on the brain, nerve damage and anaemia, as well as serious psychological problems. Bexley Police have formally requested the PSPO. Before they could submit their request they carried out their own consultation with residents at the end of last year. More than 2250 residents responded. Of those responses, 2184 supported the introduction of a PSPO. Part of the PSPO process includes a public consultation. We are asking those who live, work and visit Bexley to complete a short survey, to establish if there is support for a PSPO and to address any concerns. Please make sure you get in touch and have your say on the proposals.” The consultation is available at from 6 October and will close on Wednesday 20 October. If approved the PSPO could be in place by the end of October. If introduced, anyone who breaches the PSPO for the reason of drugs or alcohol would be offered the support they may need. If you would like a paper copy of the survey or if you have any further questions about the proposed PSPO please contact or call 020 8303 7777 and ask for Community Safety Team.

Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) are made under the Antisocial Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014


Further information on nitrous oxide canisters visit the post here.

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