Thursday, 1 April 2021

Did you know? Electric Scooters

You can buy them in the UK, BUT you CAN'T ride them on a UK public road, cycle lane or pavement. It is an offence to do so, and people are being issued with fines and even being given points on their driving licences!! Be careful.

The only place an e-scooter can be used is on private land, with the permission of the landowner. No Council has provided permission for privately owned e-scooters.

They are currently classed as Personal Light Electric Vehicles (PLEVs), and are treated as motor vehicles - subject to all the same legal requirements - MOT, tax, licensing and specific construction.

As such, because they don't have visible rear red lights, number plates and a signalling ability they can't be used legally on the roads.

E-scooters and the law (pdf) from the police.

Advice on e-scooter usage from the police.


21 May 2021 update:-

UPDATE: TfL and London Councils have now announced the three operators selected to take part in the UK’s largest rental e-scooter trial which will begin across the capital on Monday 7 June. They are: Dott, Lime and Tier. This trial will be the only legal way of riding e-scooters in public places within London. Private use of e-scooters in any public place remains illegal, and the Metropolitan Police Service are undertaking enforcement activity to deal with illegal e-scooters. Ealing, the City of London, Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea and Richmond have confirmed their participation in the trial from 7 June as full-service boroughs, while Tower Hamlets will be joining as a ride-through borough. Lambeth and Southwark are also seeking to join the trial. Councillor Steven Hall East Wickham Ward


Source: Electric scooter rental trial

[21 July 2021 - BlackBeltBarrister YouTube video on e-scooters] :-

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